CGs Animations

  - show room_night: CONTINUE
  - show deuzi: normal AT CENTER WITH FADE
  - deuzi says: Let me introduce you to...
  - show horse: AT 180,320
  - deuzi says happy: The horse of spring!
  - text: Non looped animation, normal way.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: head
  - deuzi says normal: The animations can be player normally or backwards.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: head BACKWARDS
  - deuzi says: Animation can also be looped.
  - text: Looped animation with timer.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: run LOOPED
    time: 1500
  - deuzi says: When the animation stops, the image will freeze in whatever frame it gets to.
  - deuzi says: If you want to reset it to the normal view, call animation stop.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: STOP
  - deuzi says: While the horse runs looped, other stuff can happen too, if you skip the time parameter.
  - text: Looped animation without timer.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: run LOOPED
  - text: Stop looped animation.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: STOP
  - deuzi says: And animation modes can be combined.
  - text: Animate spritesheet and tween position.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: run LOOPED
      x: 650
      y: 320
    time: 2000
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: STOP
  - text: Flip horse and make it run and disappear.
  - show horse: FLIP WITH CUT
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: run LOOPED
      x: 180
      y: 320
    alpha: 0
    time: 1500
  - hide horse: WITH CUT
  - deuzi says: Cgs can now also be placed behind characters.
  - show horse: AT 180,320 BEHIND
  - deuzi says: Check how the horse runs behind me.
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: run LOOPED
      x: 650
      y: 320
    time: 2000
  - animate horse:
    spritesheet: STOP
  - deuzi says happy: And that's all about the animations!
  - hide ALL: WITH FADE
  - endgame:

  room_night: assets/backgrounds/room_night.jpg

    displayName: Deuzilene
    speechColour: "#ca90cf"
      normal: assets/characters/Char3NormalSchool.png
      happy: assets/characters/Char3HappySchool.png
      angry: assets/characters/Char3AngrySchool.png

    spritesheet: assets/objects/horse.png 192 144
      head: 1 4 20
      run: 5 11 20

class HelloWorld extends RenJS.Plugin {

	onCall(params) {
		console.log('Hello World Plugin');
		console.log(params.firstWord + ' ' +params.secondWord);;


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