
  - play morningBGM:
  - show room: WITH FADE CONTINUE
  - show deuzi: happy AT CENTER WITH FADE
  - deuzi says: ¡Hola, bienvenide a la (bold)Guía de inicio rápido!(end)
  - wait: 300
  - deuzi says normal: ¿Estás liste para crear tu propia novela visual?
  - choice:
    - "¡Si!":
      - deuzi says happy: ¡Muy bien, adelante!
    - "¡Todavía no!":
      - deuzi says: Estaré aquí cuando quieras empezar.
  - deuzi says normal: Si es tu primera vez aquí, no olvides jugar (bold)el Tutorial(end), donde mis amigos y yo te enseñaremos los elementos básicos de RenJS.
  - deuzi says happy: Y si ya tienes algo de experiencia, ya puedes comenzar a escribir tu historia.
  - scene: endGame

  - deuzi says normal: Fin del Quickstart!
  - hide ALL:
    endGame: true
      - RenJS.V2 creado por
      - lunafromthemoon
      - null
      - En colaboración con
      - RockDaFox
      - Sean S. LeBlanc
      - null
      - Con el poder de PhaserJS
      - null
      - Gracias por jugar
      - La guía de inicio rápido
      - null
      - fondos y cgs por
      - konett
      - null
      - personajes por
      - Shida
      - null
      - música por
      - Evan Schaeffer


  - play morningBGM:
  - show room: WITH FADE CONTINUE
  - show deuzi: happy AT CENTER WITH FADE
  - deuzi says: Hello, welcome to (bold)the Quickstart!(end)
  - wait: 300
  - deuzi says normal: Are you ready to create great visual novels?
  - choice:
    - "Yes!":
      - deuzi says happy: That's great! Go ahead!
    - "Not yet!":
      - deuzi says: Well, I'll be here when you're ready!
  - deuzi says normal: If you're new, don't forget to play (bold)the Tutorial(end) game, where me and my friends will show you around the basic features of RenJS.
  - deuzi says happy: And if you already have some experience, you can go ahead and start writing!
  - scene: endGame

  - deuzi says normal: Quickstart over!
  - hide ALL:
    endGame: true
      - RenJS.V2 created by
      - lunafromthemoon
      - null
      - In collaboration with
      - RockDaFox
      - Sean S. LeBlanc
      - null
      - Inspired by Ren'Py
      - Powered by PhaserJS
      - null
      - null
      - Thanks for playing
      - The Quickstart Game
      - null
      - background art and cgs by
      - konett
      - null
      - characters by
      - Shida
      - null
      - music by
      - Evan Schaeffer

const globalConfig =  {
  'name': 'Quickstart',
  'w': 800,
  'h': 600,
  'renderer': Phaser.AUTO, // become renderer
  'scaleMode': Phaser.ScaleManager.NO_SCALE,
  parent: "renjs-canvas",
  'loadingScreen': {
    'background': 'assets/gui/quickstartbg.png',
    'loadingBar': {
      'asset': 'assets/gui/LANG/loaderloading-bar.png',
      'position': {
        'x': 109,
        'y': 458
      'size': {
        'w': 578,
        'h': 82
  'logChoices': true,
  'fonts': 'assets/gui/fonts.css',
  'guiConfig': 'i18n/LANG/GUI.yaml',
  'storyConfig': 'Config.yaml',
  storySetup: 'i18n/Setup.yaml',
  'storyText': [
  i18n: {
    background: 'assets/gui/quickstartbg.png',
    langs: {
      "en": {
        'asset': 'assets/gui/i18n/en.png',
        'position': {
          'x': 200,
          'y': 458
        'size': {
          'w': 163,
          'h': 83
        'asset': 'assets/gui/i18n/es.png',
        'position': {
          'x': 450,
          'y': 458
        'size': {
          'w': 163,
          'h': 83

const RenJSGame = new

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